Imminent 75 and Anniversary Event!

Hello all!

For this event, things will be slightly different. You will form a 4-man team, and stick with it until the end of this activity! The prizes will also be given to teams, so it's time to make friends and have awesome teamworks!
*please pick a team leader. The team leaders will mail TTSBJ their party formation. It is an essential step for a faster start*
Event time:
6pm PTD on May 14 2016
Meeting at .Erza.'s island!
Prizes (per team):
1rst place = 100m
2nd place = 80m
3rd place = 60m
4rth place = 40m
5th place = 20m
Event plan:
Treasure Hunt - Hosted by Shiruyui
Monster Show - Hosted by TTSBJ
Mail Bomb - Hosted by WhtKnt
Lucky Gamble - Hosted by .Erza.
Guild Raid - Hosted by TTSBJ
Point/Ranking system:
Each game will have a top 5 teams. First place team wins 5 points, second place team wins 4 points, third place team wins 3 points, etc. At the end of the event, we will compile all points and make a final top 5 teams.
Have fun all!